What Is Buying on Contract

Buying on Contract: Understanding the Benefits and Risks

If you are in the market to purchase a new car, home, or other big-ticket item, you may have heard the term “buying on contract.” This method of purchasing has its benefits and risks, so it is important to understand what it entails before making a decision.

What is Buying on Contract?

Simply put, buying on contract means that you are financing your purchase through an agreement with a lender or seller. You will make monthly payments for a set period of time until the total cost of the item, plus interest, is paid off. In some cases, the seller or lender will retain ownership of the item until the full amount is paid.

Benefits of Buying on Contract

One of the main benefits of buying on contract is that it allows you to make a significant purchase without having to pay the full amount upfront. This can be especially useful if you need a car or home but do not have the cash on hand to make the purchase outright. Additionally, if you have a limited credit history or a low credit score, buying on contract may be a viable option since lenders may be more willing to work with you.

Another benefit of buying on contract is that you may be able to negotiate lower interest rates or better terms, such as a longer repayment period. This can make the monthly payments more manageable and help you save money over time.

Risks of Buying on Contract

While buying on contract has its benefits, it also comes with risks. For one, interest rates on these types of agreements can be high, especially if you have poor credit. This can make the total cost of the purchase significantly higher than if you had paid in full upfront.

Additionally, if you fall behind on your payments or are unable to make them altogether, the seller or lender may take possession of the item you purchased, leaving you with nothing to show for your payments.

Finally, it is important to carefully read and understand the terms of the contract before signing. Some contracts may include hidden fees or penalties for early repayment, which can make it difficult to pay off the debt quickly or refinance.


Buying on contract can be a useful tool for making a big purchase without having to pay the full amount upfront. However, it is important to carefully consider the risks and benefits before entering into an agreement. By doing so, you can make an informed decision and ensure that you are getting the best deal possible.